Daily Planet News now has over 200 free newsfeeds
When DPN had 150+ newsfeeds all on one page it was probably the biggest one-stop news source to be found. I've added a lot more, and now there are 200+ newsfeeds, still with the auto-refresh feature so that if you keep the page open and minimized you get the latest updates from those 200 sources every 15 minutes. I've added a daily cartoon too, just as an experiment.
I don't mean you get 200 headlines every 15 minutes.
I mean you get more than 600 headlines from more than 200 worldwide sources, refreshing four times an hour! Check it out and for variety of information compare it with CNN, Google News, Yahoo! News, NY Times, your local paper or Fox News, etc etc. Let me know what you think.
Why get news from one corporation, or even five or ten? I suggest you try Daily Planet News and I feel pretty confident you'll find it worth bookmarking. I myself check in several times a day just to see what's going on in the world. Get the news before TV, radio and printed newspapers. If you like it, thank you for spreading the word.
Tagged: internet+resources