Sunday, March 05, 2006

Google's most stupid mistake ever, the bloody sidebar

Remember when Google's slogan (that's American for 'motto') was 'Do no evil'?

Google is great. Google Desktop Search is great. With my millions of words and hundreds of thousands of images I couldn't live without it.

But when I used it today they asked me if I wanted another feature. So, trusting Google, I clicked 'Yes' and now I have the most ridiculous sidebar on my monitor that you could ever imagine, full of useless information. And nowhere can I find how to get rid of it. This reminds me of Yahell at its worst.

Just what I need ... a sidebar with rotating pictures from my own files (like my own happy snaps, like old birthday party shots -- how boring), a 'Scratch Pad' (whatever the fuck that is --apparently something I should write on, as though I wouldn't use EditPad or Word if I had something to write). I even get a map of some Hooterville in some American state I heard of once in 'Gunsmoke' about 40 years ago. Thanks, Google. I'll use it next time I need a Google-sponsored pizza in Petticoat Junction.

I live in the Greatest Country in the World (Australia, Land of the Home and Oz of the Brave, From the halls of MontyPython to the Shores of TrippingSea, Flag of the Blue, White and Red with field of Amber bikkies of Grain), not the Land of People Packed like Sardines into the world's highest rate of incarceration. I don't need Google South Dakota on my machine, I need a Google Sidebar Decoder.

Worst of all, the sidebar sits on the monitor even when Desktop Search is closed. Is this a scam or just stupidity?

Then there's 'Web Clips' (clips of WHAT?), and some weird things called 'What's Hot' and 'Quick View'. Like I can't find what's hot on the Net with my own RSS reader and Google itself.

It's a total waste of space and I strongly caution against clicking 'Yes'. It will just take up space on your screen and you'll go crazy trying to get rid of it. I still haven't found a way and I've wasted half an hour.

Anyway, I've uninstalled Google Desktop Search now. It was the only way I could find to kill this silly thing.



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