Monday, March 06, 2006

Archbishop slaps Bush with a feather

The Archbishop of Canterbury, spiritual leader of the world's 77 million Anglicans, has called the US detention camp at Guantanamo Bay an "extraordinary legal anomaly" that sets a dangerous precedent. (Source)

"Anomaly"? That's what Tony Blair called it as well. Five or six hundred men captured on the field of battle defending their homeland from an illegal invasion, held without charge for nearly five years in 6X8 cells, kept out of fresh air for 23 hours a day, subjected to unspeakable brutalities and torture, kept away from family, lawyers, media, Red Cross, Amnesty International ... I'd hate to see what Archbishop Rowan Williams called Auschwitz. A jolly nasty place, by Jove? What were the Japanese camps in Changi in WWII? A spot of bother?

I hope Anglicans will write to their boss and tell him it's just not good enough to use such mealy mouthed language. Guantanamo must be closed, and the world must force the Bush administration to discard its torture policy.

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