Wednesday, January 21, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac | US -- CAMPAIGN 2004

by Robert Steinback, Miami Herald
20 January

Unjust war is the only issue

"Iraq changes everything.

"Without it, we'd be having an interesting discussion about George W. Bush's tax cuts and whether his deficit spending threatens the nation's economic well-being.

"We'd be arguing over his environmental and energy policies.

"We'd be debating his court appointments, his immigration policies, the future of Social Security, the state of public schools, health insurance coverage and whether the federal government should influence personal choices like abortion, marriage and the right to die.

"In other words, we'd be thrashing out the important topics of a typical presidential campaign, to discern which candidate has the best ideas for America.

"But a deafening roar is drowning out the customary din of political conversation.

"America under Bush started a war, killed thousands of people, sacrificed hundreds of her own valiant soldiers and conquered a soveriegn nation, using the justification that this foreign government participated in a heinous terrorist attack and posed an immediate and serious danger to America.

"Which wasn't true.

"And now I'm having a dreadful time paying attention to any of the other relevant issues of this campaign. What can compare to the single-handed destruction of the legacy America spent 227 hard years crafting -- a commitment to justice, principle and the rule of law? ...

"America beat up Iraq for no good reason, destroying our honor in the process.

"For me, this season, all other issues pale in comparison."

Read full text here


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