Sunday, January 18, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac January 18, 1932 | RAW and Discordia

1932 Robert Anton Wilson, author (Illuminati trilogy); one-time editor of Playboy magazine who made Discordianism, Sufism, futurism, the Illuminati and other esoteric or counter-culture philosophies accessible to larger audiences. He is also a proponent of Timothy Leary's eight-brain circuit model and neurosomatic/lingustic engineering ...

Eris, the goddess of Discord
Eris is the ancient Greek goddess of discord, daughter of Zeus and Hera and frequent companion of her brother (some say twin) Ares. The Romans associated her with their goddess Discordia. With Zeus, she was the mother of Ate and the man, and while the length of time he meditated on this problem is not recorded, he did eventually award the apple to Aphrodite ...

Eris has been adopted as the matron deity of the modern Discordian religion. In the process, however, she has lightened up considerably in comparison to the rather malevolent Graeco-Roman original ...

Discordianism has been described as both an elaborate joke disguised as a religion, and a religion disguised as an elaborate joke. It has also been described as a religion disguised as a joke disguised as a religion. Others view it as a simple rejection of reductionism and dualism, even falsifiability -- not in concept different from postmodernism or certain trends in the philosophy of mathematics. It has also been described as "Zen for roundeyes", and converges with some of the more absurdist interpretations of the Rinzai tradition

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