Tuesday, January 20, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac | Microsoft takes on teen's site MikeRoweSoft.com

"VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) -- It's Microsoft versus Mike Rowe-soft.

"Rowe, a 17-year-old high school senior and Web designer from Victoria, has angered the software giant by registering an Internet site with the address www.MikeRoweSoft.com.

"'Since my name is Mike Rowe, I thought it would be funny to add "soft" to the end of it,' said Rowe.

"Microsoft, however, is not amused.

It has demanded that he give up his domain name. In November, Rowe received a letter from Microsoft's Canadian lawyers informing him he was committing copyright infringement.

"'I didn't think they would get all their high-priced lawyers to come after me,' Rowe said.

"He wrote back asking to be compensated for giving up his name. Microsoft's lawyers offered him $10 in U.S. funds ..."

* Ø * Ø * Ø *

Mike Rowe writes:
"Wow, this is amazing. My site this morning went down because of the massive amounts of visitors coming to my site. 250000 to be exact. My host couldn't handle the bandwidth so he was forced to shut it it down. I pleaded my case on a couple message boards and Deafening-urge.net came through for me with a great offer to host my site. Many thanks to him.

"I have been all around the world and back, I never expected this type of feedback. I have put up a defence fund so that I can hire a lawyer to guide me through the process of talking to Microsoft. I have already received a lot of pledges and I think each and every one of you for that.

"I could never think this could happen, even in my wildest dreams."
Source: www.mikerowesoft.com


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