Thursday, January 15, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac | This guy's GOT to go!

Dubya's handlers are pushin' the Kennedyesque "vision thing" for the election season. Spare us! He's already made such a mess down here, he's ready for another Star Wars project and a hiding place for himself. For someone whose vision didn't even extend to an exit strategy in Iraq, today's moon speech was laughable. Especially in light of his reputation with the sciences!

Politics in the lab hits US scientific integrity
By Barton Reppert
Christian Science Monitor

GAITHERSBURG, MD. – In theory, science is supposed to be cold, analytical, dispassionate -- and studiously apolitical. But in the real world of competing demands for federal research dollars, savvy scientists of all disciplines -- from cognitive psychologists running rats through mazes to nuclear physicists operating massive particle accelerators -- recognize that a certain amount of political meddling in their research by policymakers in the executive branch and Congress is to be expected.

However, there are limits -- limits the Bush administration has frequently disregarded by imposing stringent political controls on a broad variety of federal scientific programs and activities. This has raised acute concern in the American scientific community that the administration's drive to stamp its conservative values on science isn't just affecting policy decisions, but undermining the integrity of the US research infrastructure itself. [Emphasis added. -v]

By all means, please continue

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Speaking of "Kennedyesque," ol' Ted may be a little slow on the uptake, but at least he's speaking out.

Kennedy Says Iraq War Has Made America Less Safe
By Congressional Quarterly
January 14, 2004

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., today delivered a blistering attack on the Bush administration for its insistence on going to war in Iraq, saying the effort has made America less safe. The administration, Kennedy told a liberal advocacy group, the Center for American Progress, "is leading this country to a perilous place. It has broken faith with the American people, aided and abetted by a congressional majority willing to pursue ideology at any price, even the price of distorting the truth." Kennedy said the administration "squandered the immense good will" showered on America after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks by launching a war against Iraq without United Nations support. "If Congress and the American people knew the whole truth, America never would have gone to war," he said, adding, "The war has made America more hated in the world. And it has made our people more vulnerable to attacks both here and overseas."


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Yep, this was bound to happen. Kick us when we're down, right, George?
Okay, evasion is one thing--but legal avoidance? What about the shelters for
the big boys? Take back that tax cut! And how about some corporate taxes?
I'm sure this is the tip of the iceberg for middle-income individuals.

Treasury Outlines Proposals To Curb Tax Evasion, Avoidance
by Congressional Quarterly
January 13, 2003

The [U.S.] Treasury Department today laid out an extensive agenda of more than 20 legislative proposals to crack down on tax abuses. The proposals, to be included in President Bush's fiscal 2005 budget due Feb. 2, would raise more than $46 billion over 10 years, according to the administration's estimate. It was not clear if the proposals would make much of a dent in the tax abuse problem, which a December report by the General Accounting Office said is costing the government $40 billion a year in unrealized revenue, based on IRS documents. The largest of the proposals, which alone would raise $33.73 billion over 10 years, would limit the ability of companies and wealthy individuals to buy tax benefits from government agencies and tax-exempt entities that cannot use them. A second proposal that would affect far more ordinary taxpayers would tighten rules for vehicle donation deductions, a plan that would raise $2.55 billion over 10 years [Emphasis added. -v]



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