Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Genius inventor kills love rival

Today according to Australian Eastern Standard Time when this item was posted
1874 California, USA: During a social event, British photography pioneer Eadweard Muybridge (1830 - 1904; pictured) took out a pistol and to the horror of the assembled guests, shot and killed his wife's lover. (One version says that Muybridge shot Major Larkyns at the latter's door.)

Muybridge was found guilty of the crime, with no conviction recorded, becoming the last person in California to escape a sentence for murder, except by reason of insanity. Despite 'getting away with murder', Muybridge was disgraced in San Francisco and he soon left on a trip to Panama and Central America ...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked with fella who had murdered his wife in a heat of passion. He was an Irishman. He spoke with a braugh and was one of the neatest fellas I have ever worked alongside.

He openly shared about his experience and his stay in prison although I don't recall how long of a term he received. This time frame that I'm speaking about was in the early 80s. His first name was Sean and insisted that only women spelled their names Shawn although I have a male cousin named Shawn instead of it being spelled Sean. He's a married man now living in Florida and employed as a Physical Therapist.

8:08 PM  

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