Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Banquet of Chestnuts - orgy fit for a pope

Today according to Australian Eastern Standard Time when this item was posted
Less than two years before he died by poisoning, Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia; 1431 - 1503) threw the orgy known as the 'Banquet of Chestnuts', known more properly as the 'Ballet of Chestnuts', a name that also refers to a Roman fête.

The banquet was thrown in the apartment of the apostolic palazzo with, it is said, upwards of fifty prostitutes or courtesans in attendance. After the food was eaten, candles were lit and placed on the floor and chestnuts strewn about, which the prostitutes, naked and crawling were encouraged to pick up. According to the diarist Johann Burchard, an orgy then ensued ...

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