Thursday, October 05, 2006

They breed them smart down Roswell way

Today according to Australian Eastern Standard Time when this item was posted
1977 Maria Rubio noticed that marks on her tortilla looked like Jesus Christ. In the small town of Lake Arthur, New Mexico, USA, near the famous ‘alien town’ of Roswell, Mrs Rubio was rolling a burrito for her husband Eduardo’s breakfast, when she noticed a 3-inch impression of skillet burns on the tortilla that resembled the face of Jesus. She convinced a reluctant priest to bless the piece of bread, then built a shrine around it, for which she quit her job to devote her full time to tending the sacred tortilla. Thousands of pilgrims have since visited the site.

New Mexico is also home of the historic Chimayo Shrine, which commemorates an event during Holy Week on the night of Good Friday, c. 1810, when a Chimayo friar, Don Bernardo Abeyta, who was a member in good standing of the Hermandad de Nuestro Padre Jesus el Nazareno (Penitentes), was performing the customary penances of the Society around the hills of El Potrero. There he saw a light bursting from a hillside near the Santa Cruz River. He dug and found a crucifix, quickly dubbed the miraculous crucifix of El Santuario de Nuestro Señor de Esquípulas - Our Lord of Esquipulas ...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the blog you posted about the woman in Lake Arthur, I am her daughter and I can say that while it may sound ridiculous to a lot of people, this did happen, however my mother never stopped working to devote her time to the tortilla. While yes, the idea of Jesus Christ's image on a piece of food seems very funny, it was something personal for my mother and was never meant to cause so much publicity, unfortunately that is what occurred and because of this, she has been ridiculed. My job is to make sure that my mother's reputation is not tarnished and I hope that by commenting her, you will understand this. Thanks. If you have a question or would like to respond, please do not hesitate to contact me at Also, we're pretty intelligent down in Lake Arthur, Maria Rubio's children have all grown up to be educated professionals and entreprenuers. Thanks! Angelica Rubio

6:34 AM  

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