Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Europe moves to kill the Internet

"The latest move to kill off online freedom and the spread of information comes in the form of proposed EU legislation that would prevent users from uploading any form of video, whether that be a hard hitting political documentary film or your friends goofing around with diet coke and Mentos.

"A proposed EU directive could extend broadcasting regulations to the internet, hitting popular video-sharing websites such as YouTube, reports the London Times. This would mean that websites and mobile phone services that feature video images would have to conform to standards laid down in Brussels.

"Personal websites would have to be licensed as a 'television-like service'. Once again the reasoning behind such legislation is said to be in order to set minimum standards on areas such as hate speech and the protection of children.

"In reality this directive would do nothing to protect children or prevent hate speech - unless you judge protecting children to be denying them access to anything that is not government regulated or you assume hate speech to be the criticism of government actions and policy ..."
InfoWars via Maryannaville

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