Sunday, October 08, 2006

Dog was a witness

Today according to Australian Eastern Standard Time when this item was posted
1361 The duel between a dog and the Chevalier Macaire, France.

On this day there took place an extraordinary duel between a dog and a French gentleman. Monsieur Aubry de Montdidier was travelling through the forest of Bondy, when he was murdered and buried at the base of a tree. His dog remained for several days at the grave, then went to Paris and showed up at the home of a friend of the victim. He begged to be followed, and the friend did so, eventually finding the grave. No sign of the murderer could be found, until eventually, when he by chance saw the Chevalier Macaire, the dog jumped at his throat. The king of France, having been informed of the rumours circulating about Macaire, set up a ‘line-up’ at which the dog selected Macaire from a number of men. The king then ordered that the two antagonists fight a duel. The dog attacked the chevalier until Macaire finally confessed to the murder.

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