Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Sydney rallies against Howard

"In Sydney, trucks and demonstrators blocked a major motorway as part of the protest.

"New South Wales Transport Workers Union secretary Tony Sheldon says protesters on the M4 motorway wanted to draw attention to the impact they say the laws will have on the trucking industry.

"'They're determined to protect motorists, their loved ones, their next door neighbours from the excesses of the Howard legislation that's going to cause more and more deregulation of the trucking industry and more unsafe rates and unsafe practices while there's a drive to the bottom,' he said.

"As expected the Labour Party bureaucrats were out in force to capitalise on the discontent for their careerist ambitions but interestingly the video of Bob Brown got a much bigger cheer than that of Kim Beazley, a nice contrast to the previous demo where workers were seen chanting 'beazley, beazley'."
Sydney Indymedia


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