Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Attack on Habeas Corpus: Read the latest

Google News habeas corpus. Read Restore Habeas Corpus in American Chronicle, which says:

"The sad thing is, a year ago, I was complaining about all the people who were comparing the Bush administration with fascist governments of the past, but the more I read about stuff like suspending Habeas Corpus, torture and entering our homes without due cause, the more I can see where people might start making those assumptions.

"If we don't change our actions soon, it may be too late to repair our tarnished image with the world community. Call your Senators and tell them that you demand they support Senate Bill 2517. This is Sen. Jeff Bingaman's (D-NM) amendment that will once again restore Habeas rights. Or, you can can go to one of two sites, Million Phone March and The Center for Constitutional Rights. You know it's the right thing to do."
"Can someone explain to me why an innocent man, someone who the military itself acknowledges committed no offense and presents no threat, is being held without charge at Gitmo?And then, can someone explain to me why the United States Senate has stripped that man (and others) of the right to habeas corpus? Finally, can anyone explain to me how it is that my lunch is staying down?" Source
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