Thursday, October 14, 2004

Pinocchio Watch
*Ø* Bush is simply lying about health care

And just look at other countries that have tried to have federally
controlled health care. They have poor-quality health care.

Our health-care system is the envy of the world ...
George Bush, Third Presidential Debate
Say what??!

A word from Australia, Mr President: We have had free universal health care here since 1972. If you feel sick, you go to the doctor and you can choose between one who charges you and one who charges the government. Most of them will not charge you, and except in remote areas, the choice is easy. I've been countless times to excellent doctors and never paid a cent in my life. This is the norm in Australia and many other countries. It doesn't matter whether you are employed or not, high quality health care is free to all. Maybe Bush should travel a bit more, or just learn how to tell the truth.

If you need to go to hospital in Australia, it's free. The sytem isn't perfect, but it is still excellent. In the past four years I have had two operations and not paid a cent. On both occasions I was treated like a king, and was operated on very soon after diagnosis. What is Bush trying to sell the American people? I hope they don't believe him but I fear some will.

As for the USA being the envy of the world, the fact is that in countries like Australia we are continually amazed and aghast at the stories we get from our American friends about the health care they receive and that they have to pay for.

Mr Bush, we laughing at you from Australia, Britain, continental Europe ... even from Cuba, where the infant mortality rate is less than that of Washington, DC.


Blogger Nora said...

Including Ireland. It's not perfect - staff shortages and waiting lists - but everyone here is covered too.

1:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in the United States and if our system is the "envy of the world", then the world is badly off. I am 60 years old, divorced, have a chronic disease and have no health care. I cannot afford all of my medicines, when I can afford to go to a doctor ($100 a visit) to get the prescriptions. There are a lot of people here, a lot, with the same problem but most don't even have the money for an occasional visit to a doctor. God forbid that I ever have to go into the hospital because they may not admit me! I sometimes wonder if Mr. Bush is living in a fantasy world because he's not living in reality. Trudy

2:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kia ora Pip,

Oz's healthcare system *is* very good. I was treated for a spider-bite in Singleton Hospital a few years ago and the staff were brilliant. I was visiting Oz, but wasn't charged for treatment or the three days I was hospitalised. That would NEVER happen in the US!

Here in NZ, we have universal healthcare coverage paid for by taxation, but privatisation is creeping in. Under our so-called 'Labour' government, public hospitals continue to be closed and replaced by privately-owned 'health centres' which are nothing more that glorified 'band-aid' dispensers.

This nasty little plan comes directly from Tony Blair's blueprint for privatising healthcare by stealth; his cronies here have decided to us NZ as the laboratory for this insidious litlle 'experiment' in social engineering.

I've noticed that South Australia is trying to pilot this concept as well. Watch out for it, mate. If 'Honest John' SpudHead has his way, your health system will be "the envy of the world" too, just as ours is becoming.

Stay healthy, mate,


7:24 AM  

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