Sunday, February 22, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac February 22, c. 1290 BCE | Ramses II ascended the throne of Egypt

1290s BCE Egypt: The coronation of Ramses II, on whose face the sun's rays fall each year in Abu Simbel temple.

Ramses II (the Great) was an Egyptian pharaoh (lived c. 1320 BCE to 1224 BCE, reigned 1290 BCE - 1224 BCE). His name is sometimes spelled Rameses, and was known to the Ancient Greeks as Sesostris.

Festival of Perpendicular SunIllumination the Inner Sanctum of Ramses II, Abu Simbel Temple, Egypt

“Ramses II, in a fit of precision and despotic architectural egotism, carefully angled his temple at Abu Simbel so that the inner sanctum would light up twice a year: once on the anniversary of his rise to the throne, and once on his birthday. The combination of human endeavour and natural phenomena provides what must be one of the most spectacular sights in the world ..."

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