Thursday, February 19, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac | Too easy

----- Original Message ----- From: Alejandra To: Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2004 9:06 AM

Subject: Ignorant

To whom it may concern,
I accidentally stumbled on your site and your ignorance is obvious. I didn't even need to read anything. The titles say it all. Calling Mary a goddess, relating Jesus to others people and converting heathen myths to truth is twisting lies to conform to your own pathetic view. Faith is what it is FAITH. If you knew Salvation history you wouldn't write such rubbish. Look at the picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe. If she were a "goddess" as you say would she be facing down? Look at the position of her hand: in prayer. Praying to who? God. Near her neck the sign of the cross. In her womb the light of the world: Jesus the Christ. She has no divinity on her own. God chose her from the beginning to be true God yet true man. He receives his human body from Mary's Fiat, her yes. She is preserved from any stain of sin in advance because she is destined to be Jesus's mother. And Jesus being God, it would be unthinkable that he would be born from a sinner. She has no divinity, no power unless it is given to her by God. Look at what she says during her apparitions: Pray not to me but to God through me. Jesus gave us his mother at the foot of the cross not as a goddess but as a mother. She is a mother leading us to her son. People like you full of ignorance, you give Catholics a bad name. People think we adore Mary and that is by no means allowed. Ever. Yes, she has a very important role in Salvation history, but she is not, I repeat, not a goddess. We adore 1 God: Our Father (who created us), Son (Jesus who died for us)and the Holy Spirit ( who keeps making us better). Research Catholicism history especially the Cathechism. I challenge you to. It's easy to see things from the surface and come up with unbased ideas, it's not so easy to dig and research. Your theories and parallels are based on your own ignorance. I will pray for you.


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Dear Alejandra,

Thank you for writing. I note that you write: "I didn't even need to read anything." You are very honest to admit it, and a braver person than I, to write such a letter under these circumstances.

If you should happen to read anything on my website, I would be happy to discuss your impressions.

Carpe diem,

Pip Wilson

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