Thursday, November 13, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Half of US now think Iraq war a waste

[Click the pic if you're nostalgic for those heady days when only 100s of millions of people around the world wanted to off the Shrub -- soon it will be a majority]

"Half of Americans, 49 percent, say the war was not worth it, compared to 48 percent who say it was, according to a survey conducted this month by the Annenberg Public Policy Center.

That's a change from results in October, when 52 percent of Americans polled nationwide said the situation in Iraq was worth going to war over, while 43 percent said it was not ..."
Source: SF Gate

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Dreamers and Idiots
Bush and Blair did everything necessary to prevent the outbreak of peace

By George Monbiot [Read this guy often! - PW]

"The Guardian. 11th November 2003) Those who would take us to war must first shut down the public imagination. They must convince us that there is no other means of preventing invasion, or conquering terrorism, or even defending human rights. When information is scarce, imagination is easy to control. As intelligence gathering and diplomacy are conducted in secret, we seldom discover - until it is too late - how plausible the alternatives may be.

"So those of us who called for peace before the wars with Iraq and Afghanistan were mocked as effeminate dreamers ...

"But a further, and even graver, set of lies is only now beginning to come to light. Even if all the claims Bush and Blair made about their enemies and their motives had been true, and all their objectives had been legal and just, there may still have been no need to go to war. For, as we discovered last week, Saddam Hussein proposed to give Bush and Blair almost everything they wanted before a shot had been fired. Our governments appear both to have withheld this information from the public and to have lied to us about the possibilities for diplomacy ..."
Source: The Guardian via


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