Tuesday, November 11, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac November 11, 1887| the Haymarket Martyrs

If you think that by hanging us you can stamp out the labor movement, then hang us. Here you will tread upon a spark, but here, and there, and behind you, and in front of you, and everywhere, the flames will blaze up. It is a subterranean fire. You cannot put it out. The ground is on fire upon which you stand.
August Spies, one of the Haymarket Martyrs, four innocent men, who were executed in Chicago, USA on November 11, 1887; to the judge

1887 Chicago, USA: The Haymarket MartyrsAugust Spies, Albert Parsons, Adolph Fischer and George Engel – were hanged for “inciting” the Haymarket riot, at which they were not present. A fifth, 23-year-old Louis Lingg, had killed himself in his cell the previous evening. The evidence against them was their anarchist ideas and literature. They were found guilty in a trial which Governor John Peter Altgeld subsequently held to be unfair.

Another defendant, Oscar Neebe, received a reduced sentence of 15 years in prison, presumably because even the State Attorney admitted he had been at home during the bombing. Neebe protested to the judge that his sentence wasn't fair.

“Your honor, I am sorry I am not to be hung with the rest of the men,” Neebe said at sentencing.


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