Tuesday, November 11, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | The Case of (and for) the Invisible Presidential Candidate

About Dennis Kucinich -- The Progressive Choice

Just because you're not hearing about him on television and in the mainstream press doesn't mean that Dennis isn't the candidate to beat Bush! In fact, I'm beginning to think that he's the one most contenders are most afraid of.

Dennis is unique in so many ways it isn't funny. Consequently, no one knows how to act when dealing with him. He doesn't fit the pigeonholing we're so used to doing and doesn't meet the qualifications to play the "game" of politics. And that is exactly why he is the man of the times.

Dennis is and always has been a "man of the people" -- how refreshing!

Prominent social observer/author, Studs Terkel's article in The Nation, Kucinich is The One, relates Studs' recollection of his first meeting with Dennis 24 years ago which led to a long friendship.

Unlike the other candidates, Dennis is well-versed in all the issues of concern to the people. The press and the people who question him at public appearances are wowed by his "hit the ground running" enthusiasm for answering any questions that come his way without waffling, ducking or denying.

To make up for the mainstream media's avoidance of Dennis' presence as a candidate, do yourself a favor and just give his platform, his ten key issues, a run-through. Then share it with everyone you know. Throughout his impressive political history he has always defeated a Republican and gained a seat for the Democrats--this time the seat he will gain is that of Repug (p)Resident Bush in 2004!


Dennis' Progressive Vision
We, the people, deserve no less

"One person can make a difference.

"It's time for America to resume its glorious journey. Time to reject shrinking jobs and wages, disappearing savings and rights. Time to reject the detour towards fear and greed. Time to look out upon the world for friends, not enemies. Time to counter the control of corporations over our politics, our economy, our resources, and mass media. Time for those who have much to help those who have little by maintaining a progressive tax structure. Time to tell the world that we wish to be their partner in peace, not their leader in war. Most of all, it is time for America to again be the land where dreams come true because the government is on the side of its people.

"Unfortunately, America now leads the world in categories we should not be proud of. America is now the world’s leading jailer with an incarceration rate higher than China. We lead the industrialized world in poverty and in the growing gap between rich and poor. And we are the only industrial nation not to provide national health care.

"Learn more about what a Kucinich administration would mean for America."


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