Friday, October 24, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | So funny I forgot to laugh!

[Eat your heart out, Australia! (NO! This is NOT a parody!) -v]

Bend Over and Grab Your Ankles, America, Things May Get Worse
by Allen Snyder

Drowned out in the media-orchestrated overhype about the California recall and the landslide victory of Governor-elect Schwarzenegger (cough! choke!) over Gary Coleman, a porn star, Gallagher, and the hapless Cruz Bustamante, are the more long-term consequences of another Republican ‘victory’ for America’s political future.

With malleable and moronic BushCo shills manning the governmental controls in Texas, Florida (is stupidity genetic?), New York, every Federal branch, and now, California, there is little but hope (or a miracle transplant of Dennis Kucinich’s mind into General Clark’s body) standing in the way of a BushCo re-appointment in 2004.

Even though there are some seriously juicy scandals swirling around (the White House’s sophomoric and felonious retaliatory outing of a covert CIA agent, the CA governor-elect’s predilection for inflicting unwanted petting -- aka misdemeanor battery, and a failing war, based on the most odious lies, filling two or three body bags per day), a meek and timid press, starved for higher ratings and fearful of being sent to journalistic ‘Time-Out’, routinely forgives or ignores BushCo’s transgressions, while being generally slow on the scandal uptake (the story about the identical letters-to-the-editor-signed-by-soldiers-who-didn’t-write-them scam was on the Internet for at least a week before CNN’s radar operators noticed the blip).

The Rove/FOX spin machine then freely peddles the wingnut-tainted (or is that invented, manufactured, or contrived?) message to a public all too eager to believe their appointed government officials are honorable, honest, trustworthy people who act with integrity, and not the dangerous, megalomaniacal, reactionary whackos they really are.

Silly public. Why are you so naïve?

I guess I can understand somewhat. Nobody wants to admit they voted for a dick. We had to do it with Clinton. Twice. But he was only a dick because he cheated on his wife, not because he was the worst, most destructive killing-machine of a President since… well…ever.

With wingnuts having infiltrated government institutions and corrupted them to the core (the BushCo fish stinks from the head down, people) and drone-like BushCo supporters burying their heads ever deeper into the suffocating sands of denial and faux patriotism, one can only imagine what a fraudulent mockery the 2004 Presidential ‘election’ is going to be. [If several wars aren't started to provide grounds for cancelling elections due to wartime distraction. -v]

GOP-bribed minions within the electronic voting industry are no doubt manipulating the computerized machines as we speak, while faceless BushCo henchmen purge voter rolls of likely and borderline Democrats in important swing states, counties, and districts (let’s call it trickle-down election-fixing).

Their success in illegally stopping the vote-count in Florida has clearly emboldened them. They can now rest assured that whatever inconveniences arise, lawsuits are filed, or blocs of voters are disenfranchised, disallowed, disappointed, or just plain dissed, the Supreme Embarrassment will save the day – re-installing the Bush junta and subjecting us all to another four-year gang-rape.

The simple fact that any conscious person would vote for a politically inexperienced serial-groping steroid freak like Arnold in the midst of this BushCo-created international nightmare speaks volumes about the illusions Americans have, even in the hip state of California, about quality government leadership – they’re so desperate for it, they’ll vote for anybody. Arnold’s handlers marketed him like an indispensable product by molding him into a phony populist. His celebrity and ability to sound appropriately ignorant of practically everything endeared him to voters with a proved penchant for bad actors in high places. How any self-respecting woman could pull Arnie’s lever, I’ll never know (get it? Pull Arnie’s lever…).

And just as BushCo morphed into flaming fascists practically overnight (by noon on 9/11), they’ll make Arnold an offer he can’t refuse, and he’ll be Heiling Bush faster than he can stuff Arianna Huffington’s head in a toilet. Recently, at their first meeting, Bush gushed that he and Arnold had much in common, including their routine English Language Rights violations (I think Dubya meant it as a joke – wasn’t funny).

What a sad display.

Despite their constant protestations about how actors should shut their collective pie-holes about politics, the GOP is now conspiring to promote a product ostensibly called ‘President Terminator 2008’ for release before the 2006-07 toy season. To that end, Sen. Orrin Hatch’s (R – Utah; that’s ‘R’ for ‘Retarded’) latest legislative brain fart is his proposition that the Constitution be amended to allow foreign-born nationals to be elected President (can’t imagine his motivation).

I’m not sure which would be more horrifying -- watching Dubya Bush handing Arnold the White House keys in January 2009, or living in a country where enough people voted to make it happen. If this possibility doesn’t induce waves of panic, make you convulse and wretch with heaves (dry or otherwise), shudder involuntarily, or recoil with absolute terror, revulsion, and disgust, then you’re either dead, in a coma, or a Republican.

America! Assume the position!

Allen Snyder is an instructor of Philosophy and Ethics at Pellissippi State Technical Community College in Knoxville, Tennessee. He can be reached at . This article is copyright by Allen Snyder and originally published by but permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog, or web media so long as this credit paragraph is attached.



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