Thursday, October 23, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Please join this SIEVX Disaster campaign for human justice

Your compassionate involvement is urged, in all nations

As stated above, this site is dedicated to the victims of the SIEVX Disaster. You might not know what that means so I urge you to read up on it. It is one of the biggest scandals of any developed country and involves the deaths of 353 innocent men, women and children, with the Australian Government looking very bad over the whole tragedy.

No matter what country you live in, I ask that you become informed about the sinking of the ship SIEVX, and join this campaign. The following text is from the SIEVX email campaign website.

"Please join us in our e-mail campaign demanding that Mick Keelty and the Australian Federal Police release the names of those who tragically died in the sinking of SIEVX. We demand justice and respect for those who so sadly died, after two years have passed it is now time that the Australian Federal Police come clean about what they know.

"Just recently there was a Senate motion demanding that our Federal Police release this information. But Minister Ellison's earlier response unfortunately indicates that the AFP and the Australian Government have NO plans of ever releasing this information.

"For more information please see this site."



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