Wednesday, September 10, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Don't count him out!

Thanks to enthusiastic Kucinich supporters, we're on a roll.
From Jeff Cohen,

Our Peace Day House Parties are taking off (see below) and last Thursday, thousands of Kucinich supporters gathered in MEETUPS in more than 200 cities and towns across the country to organize local groups and campus chapters. As a Boston volunteer wrote: "They just keep getting bigger and better." A Minneapolis activist commented: "It's empowering to know there are other motivated Kucinich supporters out there who can believe in a politics outside the corporate media."

In that night's nationally-televised DEBATE in Albuquerque, Dennis won big applause when he distinguished himself from other candidates on issues like the bloated military budget, corporate trade treaties, and getting the U.S. out of Iraq with "no more Halliburton sweetheart deals."

Dennis' barb aimed at Gov. Dean was widely quoted in the media: "You can talk about balancing the budget in Vermont, but Vermont doesn't have a military. And if you're not going to cut the military, then what are you going to do about social spending?"

On a Sunday TV politics show, one of the pundits made this observation: "Who's Howard Dean really worried about? I think he's worried about Dennis Kucinich taking off left and populist votes in Iowa in the caucuses."

On Sunday night, Dennis issued a POWERFUL REBUTTAL to the Bush speech:
"The President has been unable to produce evidence that this war was fought over weapons of mass destruction. It is not too late for him to prove that it was not fought over oil. That can be done by returning control of the oil to the Iraqi people."
(At the United Nations yesterday, Dennis reiterated these points at a news conference with receptive journalists.)

And finally, in just a few days after Dennis issued his call for supporters to celebrate the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE -- Sept. 21 -- by holding fundraising house parties, 290 people have already pledged to hold Peace Day parties in support of the Kucinich campaign. To join the Peace Day House Party movement, click here.

If you can't participate in a Peace Day party, you can help the campaign by making a GENEROUS DONATION.

And don't miss TONIGHT'S DEBATE, sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus, on Fox News Channel (no joke!) at 8-9:30pm Eastern.

Thanks again for your support.

Jeff Cohen

PS. After President Bush requested $87 billion more for war and occupation, peace advocate, ice cream entrepreneur and Kucinich supporter BEN COHEN (no relation) explained what America could get for that amount of money: We could solve the school budget crisis in every community in America. Or we could provide health insurance for every uninsured American child for 15 years. Or we could feed all 6 million children who die from hunger worldwide for the next 7 years.

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