Tuesday, September 09, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Iraq War Was One Big Fraud

'... Proponents of the invasion now say the war was justified because the U.S. and the British have 'freed' millions of people.

"They don't criticize the Bush administration for lying to them. They don't re-evaluate their support for the war, even though every "good" reason for going to war was proven false.

"No, they just change their rationale for the war.

"And many are now surprised at how difficult it is to bring democracy to Iraq and clean up the mess the war caused, even though the violence and backlash a U.S.-occupied Iraq is causing was well predicted.

"The proponents of war just chose not to listen ..."


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9-11 What really happened?

Events around the world question the official 9/11 story

"Two years after Sept. 11, 2001, films, exhibits, forums, and peace actions across the United States, in Germany and Canada are confronting the unanswered questions of 9/11. Thousands of people are gathering to call for full disclosure of what really happened - of all information about Sept. 11 that a democratic society should know. These actions are in solidarity with the demands for disclosure raised by many families of the victims themselves.

"A loose association of people demanding disclosure, the 9/11 Truth Alliance is staging these actions in New York City, San Francisco, New Hampshire and Peoria, not to mention Berlin, Germany and the Canadian cities of Vancouver, Montreal, Edmonton and Toronto.

"The events have been linked up at www.911truth.org ..."

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An international symposium on the open questions of Sept. 11, 2001
Berlin, Germany, 7 September 2002

Read the Declaration of the symposium
Read The 9-11 Testimony We Would Like to Hear


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