Saturday, May 10, 2003

Let he who is without sin jail the first Stone.
Protest sign outside court as Keith Richards and Mick Jagger appeared on drugs charges, May 10, 1967

Can't act, can't sing, balding, Can dance a little.
A producer’s verdict of Fred Astaire (American entertainer born on May 10, 1899) after a screen test in the early 1930s

I don't know why everyone makes such a fuss about Fred Astaire's dancing. I did all the same steps, only backwards. And in heels!
American entertainer, Ginger Rogers

I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using gases against uncivilised tribes.
Great Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Winston S Churchill, referring to the Kurds. (Churchill replaced Neville Chamberlain as Prime Minister of Britain on May 10, 1940.)

Laura Jean Daniels's dislocation in time
On May 10, 1973, columnist Joyce Hagelthorn reported in Michigan's Dearborn Press the strange experience of Laura Jean Daniels. Miss Daniels had been out walking late on a moonlit night. She looked at the moon, then back at her surroundings, but those surroundings had been transmuted into another place. She smelt the heavy scent of rose and honeysuckle in the air, and found herself before a thatched cottage where two lovers in old-fashioned clothes were embracing. Soon she found herself in her own street. No satisfactory explanation of her experience has been forthcoming.

Temporal Anomalies in Popular Time Travel Movies

We are plotting revolution! We will overthrow this bogus Republic and plant a government of righteousness in its stead.
Victoria Claflin Woodhull, American feminist, who ran for President of the USA on May 10, 1872

May 10, 1872 She might not be a household word today, but in 1872, she was one of the most famous women in the United States of America, a woman a century ahead of her time. Maybe two.

American feminist, snake-oil saleswoman, entertainer, reformer, clairvoyant, orator, stock broker, publisher and free-love advocate Victoria Claflin Woodhull (born September 23, 1838) began her US presidential campaign, with black abolitionist Frederick Douglass as running mate – surely the most unusual and doomed campaign ever.

Woodhull and her sister, Tennessee Claflin, had already invaded male territory as Wall Street brokers (the attractive Woodhull beguiled the mogul Commodore Vanderbilt, who backed their operation and gave them stock tips) and publishers of the political journal, Woodhull and Claflin's Weekly. The journal published the first English translation of The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Woodhull and Clafin spoke for free love, abortion, divorce, legalised prostitution and women's voting rights.

When election day arrived, Woodhull was in prison, charged with sending obscene literature through the mail. The offensive material was an article congratulating popular preacher Henry Ward Beecher for his relationship with a married woman, but chiding him for failing to openly advocate the free love he clearly practised.
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Tomorrow is Mothers Day. Sign the Mothers' Day Promise for Peace.

Britain's sex offences bill
"The offence of indecent exposure will be reformed to one where a man or woman expose themselves knowing they might cause alarm or distress, and the penalties doubled to six months for a first offence."

Are we to understand that it will be legal in Britain to flash someone if one knows it might cause some response other than alarm or distress? Will it be a legal defence to have intended ridicule, disgust, hilarity or just mild annoyance?

Animation Express: The Oddgods Series
"Oddgods 0
A mysterious technology which creates physical manifestations of mental images engages two kids in a post-apocalyptic city. Part 0 of 3. 2.2 MB, Flash"

Yahoo! News - Byrd Rips Bush's Aircraft Carrier Use
"I am loath to think of an aircraft carrier being used as an advertising backdrop for a presidential political slogan, and yet that is what I saw," Byrd said on the Senate floor.

Psychedelic Republicans
"That's right - the wait is finally over! It's wacky fun time with all-new Psychedelic RepublicansTM trading cards!"


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