Thursday, May 08, 2003

Happy Furry Day!
This ancient celebration is held at Helston, Cornwall, UK, on May 8. Furry Day, which is derived from the Latin feriae (festivals, holidays), in the 18th century was incorrectly amended to Flora and in the 19th century the [Furry] dance was called the Floral Dance. It is derived from a pre-Christian festivity and is seen in some other towns, such as Padstow’s well-known April 30 celebrations. In its present form prominent townsfolk dance through the town.

Feast of the Apparition of St Michael
It is not clear which of St Michael’s several appearances is celebrated. He is prince of the angels as opposed to Lucifer and the principal guardian of souls against the powers of evil. In heraldry, his ensign is a banner hanging on a cross, armed as Victory, with a dart in one hand and a cross on his forehead, with the saint also weighing souls in scales.

Happy birthday (1930) Gary Snyder
American poet; main character (‘Japhy Ryder’) in Jack Kerouac’s Dharma Bums


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