Tuesday, August 18, 2009

CROATOAN mystery

Today according to Australian Eastern Standard Time when this item was posted
1590 John White, the governor of the Colony of Roanoke in America, returned from a supply trip to England to find the settlement entirely deserted of all 117 people, including the first white child born in the country, his granddaughter Virginia Dare, whose third birthday it was.

Nine days after Virginia's birth, on August 27, 1587, White had left the colony for England, acting as Roanoke’s agent in obtaining further aid and assistance for the colony. He arrived in England that November as the nation was about to go to war with Spain. It was not until August 1590 that White reached Roanoke with a relief expedition. It found no trace of the settlers – only the word CROATOAN carved on a post. The infant Virginia had vanished along with all the other Roanoke colonists. It is likely that they did leave for Croatoan Island, an island near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina and it is believed by many that what survivors of the 'Lost Colony' there may have been were absorbed into the Croatan tribe ...

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