Sunday, August 31, 2008

Death of John Bunyan

Today according to Australian Eastern Standard Time when this item was posted
1688 Death of John Bunyan, poet, author of The Pilgrim's Progress, the first part of which was published on February 18, 1678.

Bunyan was a Dissenter, or Nonconformist, more specifically a Baptist, and thus a member of a persecuted minority. The Nonconformist denominations came to include the Baptists, the Wesleyan Methodists, Primitive Methodists, Quakers, Unitarians, Congregationalists, and Salvation Army ...

It has been said that his famous allegory about Pilgrim on his journey to the Celestial City is second only to the Bible in number of copies sold through the ages and throughout the world. He died at the age of nearly 60 at the house of a friend in Holborn, from a cold caught riding through the rain from Reading to London in order to reconcile a father and son. He is buried in Bunhill Fields, in the City of London.

Bunhill Fields is a former Dissenters' burial ground of 1.6 ha (4 acres). It is the last resting place for an estimated 120,000 bodies, including some of Britain's most eminent Nonconformists – William Blake and Daniel Defoe among them ...

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