Daily Planet News is one stop for world news

If you want world news fast, you can go to any number of websites: The Guardian, The Washington Post, BBC, Reuters, IndyMedia, and so on. At each site, you will only get the news from that source. That's a problem we thought needed addressing.
Alternatively, you can get many headlines from many sources all on one page.
Daily Planet News has more than 600 headlines from more than 200 news sources, constantly refreshing. We believe it's the Internet's biggest one-stop page for world news. Tell us we're wrong and we'll happily acknowledge it here -- this challenge has existed unanswered for three years.
At Daily Planet News, if you have Internet Explorer, you can keep the page minimized and it will auto-refresh every 15 minutes. If you have Firefox, etc, you can manually refresh when you like.
If you want news, fast, may we recommend the free Daily Planet News? If you like it, will you spread the word? It must be one of the best-kept secrets at the Wilson's Almanac site. You are invited to bookmark it and open it when you want breaking news before it's on TV. Thank you.
Categories: news, internet+resources
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