Wednesday, September 19, 2007

International Talk Like A Pirate Day

Today according to Australian Eastern Standard Time when this item was posted
International Talk Like A Pirate Day, me hearties, be a parodic holiday invented in 1995 by two swashbuckling Yanks, John Baur ('Ol' Chum Bucket') and Mark Summers ('Cap'n Slappy'), who proclaimed September 19 each year as the day when every bilge rat in the world should be talkin' like a pirate. For example, instead of "hello", an observer of this holiday would greet his mates with "Ahoy, me hearty!" each September 19.

Dave Barry, who writes a nationally-syndicated humour column, picked up the idea in 2002 and promoted the day. The day became "international" that same year when people in Australia learned of the holiday from Barry's column ...



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