Thursday, July 06, 2006

It ain't easy being a SubGenius

There's an old joke here (a blokes' joke) in Australia about the Department of Community Services, which oversees family law casework:

Q: What's the difference betweens a DOCS social worker and a rottweiler?
A: With a rottweiler, sometimes you get your kid back.

Having been through all that jazz years ago, twice, I hardly want to revisit it, except to say that the rottweilers are preferable to DOCS caseworkers.

Now from the US of A:

"Here's an update to the story about the crazy judge who took a performance artist's kid away from her because she participated in a SubGenius celebration."

I've been a card-carrying member of the Church of the SubGenius since 1979. Except that I've never paid my dues or got a card, that is. (JR 'Bob' Dobbs came to me in a vision around about the time of the first Dire Straits album and gave me an exemption from fees because of my pipe, so I grabbed it with both feet.)

It seems unfair to me that a judge would keep a kid from its Ma just because she's a SubGenius. It would never happen in Oz. Here, we only keep kids from their dads. Shame, judge, shame!

BTW, yesterday was SubGenius X-Day. I didn't mention it in case the spooks were watching this site.

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