Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hicks subjected to most extreme CIA torture, expert says

"An expert in CIA interrogation techniques says the Australian Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks has been subjected to the most extreme torture in the agency's history.

"American academic, Professor Alfred McCoy, has been studying CIA interrogation techniques for 50 years.

"Professor McCoy says Guantanamo Bay is an ad hoc laboratory used to perfect CIA psychological torture methods.

"He has told ABC TV's Lateline program that Hicks was subjected to 244 days of sensory disorientation, was left in a dark cell and denied sunlight and his only contact was a weekly visit by the military chaplain.

"'David Hicks has suffered untold psychological damage that will take a great deal of care, a great deal of treatment, and probably the rest of his life to move beyond,' he said.

"'Confinement at Guantanamo constitutes torture. The question is, what kind of torture? It is psychological torture. Not the conventional, physical, brutal torture, but a distinctively American form of torture - psychological torture.'

"The suicides of three inmates has prompted renewed concern for Hicks's welfare."
ABC News

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History expert Professor Alfred McCoy says the treatment of Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks must be viewed through the lens of CIA psychological torture techniques.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

US Prisons both state and federal have practiced psychological torment techniques for ages, I regret to say.
The US is now all a police state since the last update of Bush's Patriot Act. Only a fool is stupid enough to romance consciously or unconsciously breaking a law, whether written or unwritten now. The police now possess far too much authority now. This is why I keep getting dismissed as a juror. I speak out and get myself into trouble by either the Prosectution or the Defense. This last time, I got dismissed by Prosecution. They had decided that the case would be ended that day. I announced being an Addiction Specialist and would ask far too many questions regarding the tests, equipment, and about his dietary intake that day.
I think I was a challenge to the District Atty's belief that he could prove the case beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I'm not too sure of course. He would have had to work really hard to prove the state's side of the arrest.

2:58 PM  

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