Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Have Americans developed a taste for torture?

"The author of a new book on torture wonders why public response to an issue that cuts to the very core of America's national identity has been so muted. And he lays out a series of questions for President Bush, congressional candidates and your readers aimed at bearing witness to what may turn out to be a fundamental shift in moral choices by the American public.

Questions for President Bush about Torture:

"Q. Are you prepared to instruct the CIA to provide information that will assist the Council of Europe's ongoing investigation into CIA rendition flights and secret prisons?

"Q. A Federal judge has considered releasing hundreds of photos and several videotapes of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib beyond the two dozen already broadcast by CBS. Weighing national security versus freedom of the press, do you think that those photos should be released to the press and public?

"Q. Are you concerned as Commander-in-Chief that, among the hundreds of service men and women charged with abuse of detainees in Afghanistan and Iraq, nobody above the rank of sergeant has been prosecuted? ..."

CIA chief sacked for opposing torture

A Question of Torture by Alfred McCoy now in Cafe Diem!, the Almanac's store.

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