Monday, January 09, 2006

Crap crepe with a smile

Living alone, a guy -- especially a guy -- gets to spend a lot of time with one package of toilet paper, so it's important to get it right. One roll lasts a few months and you don't want an enemy in the toilet for that length of time.

I've resisted perfumed and bleached dunny rolls for 30 years and wish they were banned for all the harm they do to the environment. The brand of bogroll I use these days is called SAFE, and it's great. Go and buy a packet, Ausies! Embossed, unbleached, never any poke-through.

Best of all, it says on the pack that it's made from recycled office paper. I like any recycled paper, but in this case, there's a certain little something extra, a je ne sais quoi, that delivers a wicked smile with every wipe. You, too, can have that smile. Man, they even have a website! Everybody's getting in on the act. What next: bogblogs? Bogroll blogrolls?

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