Sunday, September 25, 2005

The man who wakes up in a ditch ... then goes to work at Sotheby's

"Anushka Asthana meets Hugh Sawyer, 32, who has taken downsizing to a new level to prove that we can all get by with much less

"At 6am Hugh Sawyer wakes up to the persistent ring of his alarm clock. He rolls over with a grimace and flicks on Radio 4's Today programme. He gets up, has a wash and a shave, grabs some breakfast and rushes down to the bus stop to commute to London.

"When he gets to work in the bids department of Sotheby's he is always spotlessly turned out in a Gieves & Hawkes suit, a stylish tie and polished shoes. The Oxford law graduate is a regular at the gym and often meets friends for drinks in the capital's bars ..."
The Observer

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