Thursday, July 21, 2005

John G Roberts: Sign petition against dinosaur

When US citizens are thinking about John G Roberts's nomination for the Supreme Court, perhaps they might like to consider him from an Australian persepctive.

Roberts was one of the three judges who gave Shrub a wet dream last week by overturning a lower-court decision to allow military commissions to try detainees at Guantanamo Bay. One of those prisoners is Aussie David Hicks.

Is that what our American friends want? Someone who endorses a brutal system that sees a man picked up at a bus stop in an invaded country (Afghanistan), flies him to a Caribbean hell hole, locks him away for years (with not even a charge) and incarcerates him in a 6' X 8' concrete cell? This Australian citizen has then been exposed to 24-hour fluorescent light, only two 20-minute exercise breaks from his tiny cage each week, beatings and, perhaps worst of all, no access to family, lawyer, Red Cross or Amnesty International.

This is Judge John G Roberts, a cog in the New World of Bush and his fanatical fundo barbarians. How long before the US Supreme Court starts doing this to Americans? They do it to hundreds of the rest of us and Roberts thinks that's just fine and dandy. Throw the bastard out on his ear.

David Hicks can't sign the petition, and neither can I. I hope you can.


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