Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Aussie author faces Mormon excommunication

Australian author and former bishop of the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or LDS), Simon G Southerton, wrote a book that refutes the Mormon line that Native Americans are descended from Israelites.

The Australian branch of the church will try him on July 31, but, apparently not wanting to bring the conclusive results of DNA testing before its own leaders and members, has hung a charge on Southerton of adultery. Some years ago, during a separation from his wife, to whom he is now reconciled, apparently something happened giving rise to this oblique ecclesiastical charge.

Southerton said on ABC Radio national, Australia, that he would prefer to be charged with apostasy, but hopes that by facing this charge (although he claims not to have darkened the door of the Mormon Church for seven years) he will help the church change.

Southerton's book is Losing a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA and the Mormon Church, pub. Signature Books, a Salt Lake City-based publishing house.
More at Salt Lake Tribune


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