Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Downing Street: A dead-end in American media

"'What is surprising, is how little attention [the memo] has received in some of the most important news media in the United States despite its being an official document that contradicts the North American version of the beginning of the war.' Jorge Ramos Avalos, Washington correspondent for Univision.

"The Downing Street Memos have provided an unexpected fright for the minority of Americans who are aware of them.

"It's not that presidents lie about the wars they send other people's kids off to fight. And it's not even that the media in this country has grown lazy, intimidated and sycophantic. It's the degree to which this is true, and the deterioration of American democracy to which it testifies. At the same moment we were revisiting the Watergate story and celebrating the dogged persistence that unmasked the crimes of Richard Nixon, the media largely ignored what is one of the biggest stories since the end of the Cold War."
Source: In These Times


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