Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Abu Ghraib child abuse/Pentagon won't disclose

"Data is emerging, no matter how the administration attempts to hide it, that the new photos and video of abuse at Abu Ghraib prison include the torture of children.
Norway's Prime Minister's office says it plans to address the situation with the U.S. 'in a very severe and direct way.'

"Could this mean losing yet another ally in the Iraq occupation? Amnesty International in Norway has said that Norway can no longer continue their occupation of Iraq, or their support of US policy in this matter.

"And some countries, as Tom Tomorrow notes, actually listen to their activists.

"While there isn't even an inkling of this in the US Mainstream media, all over the world people are beginning to read about the US abusing children at Abu Ghraib."
Source: Uruknet: information from occupied Iraq

Defense Dep't refuses to release Abu Ghraib abuse photos
"Facing a court-imposed deadline to release photographs and video documenting numerous instances of torture and abuse at the now infamous US-run Abu Ghraib detention facility in Iraq, lawyers for the Department of Defense Thursday sent the court a letter stating their intention to file papers explaining why it will not adhere to the judge’s orders, civil liberties groups announced Friday.

"The legal brief explaining the reasoning behind the decision will be sealed, meaning most of the information will not be made public, the letter said.

"People who have seen the videos, including members of Congress and reporter Seymour Hersh, have reported they include scenes involving far worse abuses than have so far reached the public, including rape and lewd acts committed against and in front of prisoners. "
Source: News Standard


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This information about opinion in Norway is very interesting. Here in Cedar Falls, Iowa, we have an organization named "Sons Of Norway," to which I belong, even though I'm only a small part Norwegian. I've sent this to several other members of the organization.

10:02 AM  

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