Friday, March 25, 2005

Bloody great Friday

This being Good Friday, ABC Radio National has had a lot of Christian broadcasting, something one can forgive, though it would be easier to do so if other religions got such treatment on their sacred days.

Some of the programming, however, has been not one jot nor tittle, nay, not so muche as an mustard-seede, shorte of magnificent. This morning's Breakfast interview with Irish-based Australian Catholic peace activist, Ciaron O'Reilly, facing ye jaile for attacking a US bomber prior to the invasion of Iraq, is a must-not-miss(e). Listen (requires RealAudio)

And Phillip Adams's interview (Real Media Windows Media ) with Sister Helen Prejean (author of Dead Man Walking and The Death of Innocents), the anti-capital punishment activist from the US, was just superb. I recommend a listen to both interviews for a double dose of inspiration.


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