Monday, March 21, 2005

Brit conservatives' anti-Gypsy campaign

"The thorny question of how the media covers controversial issues has reared its head again, with a Sun newspaper campaign declaring "war" on a 'gipsy free-for-all'.

"The paper's front page and inside story on Wednesday prompted one travellers group to lodge a complaint with the Press Complaints Commission (PCC).

"The report was misleading, discriminatory and likely to incite racial hatred against travellers and Gypsies, said the Gypsy and Traveller Law Reform Coalition (GTLRC).
Source: BBC

"In an outspoken attack on Gypsies today, Michael Howard will insist they are 'getting away' with wrongdoing, as the Conservatives move to exploit rural anger over illegal encampments.

"The Tory leader will unveil a package of measures designed to uproot unlawful settlements, including new rights for the swift removal of caravans from sites and powers for councils to purchase land compulsorily where there have been breaches of so-called stop notices freezing illegal development."
Michael Howard: I'll clear illegal Gypsy sites

Q&A: Travellers and the law
Worldwide Roma Nation Day (April 8), Romany (Gypsy) links in the Book of Days


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