Saturday, July 03, 2004

*Ø* The voice of the Beast of Baghdad

Robert Fisk, 2 July:

"Baghdad -- Bags beneath his eyes, beard greying, finger-jabbing with anger, Saddam was still the same fox: alert, cynical, defiant, abusive, proud.

"Yet history must record that America's new 'independent' government in Baghdad yesterday gave Saddam Hussein an initial trial hearing that was worthy of the brutal old dictator.

"He was brought to court in chains and handcuffs. The judge insisted his name should be kept secret. The names of the other judges were kept secret. The location of the court was kept secret. There was no defence counsel.

"For hours, the Iraqi judges managed to censor Saddam's evidence from the soundtrack of the videotaped proceedings -- so that the world should not hear the wretched man's defence. Even CNN was forced to admit it had been given tapes of the hearing 'under very controlled circumstances'.

"This was the first example of 'new' Iraq's justice system at work -- yet the tapes of the court appeared on CNN with the logo 'Cleared by US Military'.

"So what did the Iraqis and their American mentors want to hide?"

Continue at Information Clearing House

Iraq: Saddam Hussein's trial must be fair, and seen to be fair

Amnesty International:

"Amnesty International is deeply concerned at the absence of defence lawyers and the apparent censorship during yesterday's first court appearance by Saddam Hussein and 11 senior members of the former president's government.

"'The beginning of legal proceedings to determine responsibility for a series of crimes considered as war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed over the last three decades, is to be welcomed. However, in order to bring justice to the thousands of victims, the proceedings must be fair, impartial and transparent,' Amnesty International said."

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