Monday, July 05, 2004

*Ø* Mike's First Blog Entry

My First Blog Entry: July 4, 2004
By Michael Moore

Hey, my first blog entry! Welcome fellow bloggers and blog readers! Blog doggers and blog loggers. Blogging away for the common good or just to keep from watching whatever crap is on TV right now. What is on TV right now? No new 6 Feet Under tonight. The Practice has been bounced. Can't Jon Stewart do a Sunday show?

Speaking of Sunday shows, did anyone see that hilarious CNN Unreliable Sources show this morning? It's hosted by this knucklehead from the Washington Post who's been raggin' on me since "Roger & Me." I wasn't half awake while it was on but I think he had some blow-hards on who said, in no particular order of priority, that I was in cahoots with the Taliban, supported Al Qaeda, and dreamed of a day gone by when Uncle Saddam brought peace and joy to the world. This thing was so whacked, and they were trying so hard to repeat Karl Rove's talking points, I thought, "Damn -- the box office from last night must have busted through the roof if these guys are that pissed!" So I immediately called up the studio and, sure enough, in just our second weekend, "F9/11" had shot past $50 million! Whoa! More than double what it was last Sunday! No wonder foam is coming out of these guys' mouths!

I turned it off and picked up the paper. It was so funny, cause the last thing they were blabbing on about was how dare I -- HOW DARE HE! -- imply that all the loot the Saudi royals and bin Ladens have invested in the businesses of the Bush inner circle would have anything -- ANYTHING -- to do with them getting special treatment after 9/11. And then, there was today's top headline story in the NY Times -- about how five Saudi suspected terrorists in Guantanamo were given back to the Saudis in exchange for 5 Brits the Saudis were holding (and possibly torturing). So, if you are currently incarcerated in Gitmo and reading this, there's your ticket out -- just prove you are a Saudi!



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