Wednesday, April 28, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac | Lest Ye Think Ye Have Religious Freedom Under The Current American Administration, Ye Have Another Think Coming!

[And you can say goodbye to separation of church and state! The following indicates just how deep in the trash heap BushCo has buried the Constitution and Bill of Rights. When someone believes they have the moral high ground, there's no limit to the evil they will commit to defend it. We're in a mess here, folks, if we don't break up this band of "moralist thugs!" -v]

BORN YESTERDAY...NOT! — Orwell Himself Couldn't Have Imagined This Bullshit!

From Shara:

The Bible college that leads to the White House
The campus is immaculate, everyone is clean-cut and cheerful. But just
what are they teaching at Patrick Henry College?
And why do so many students end up working for George Bush?

By Andrew Buncombe
21 April 2004

It is worth making clear from the outset that Patrick Henry College in rural Virginia is not your average American university. At Patrick Henry, the students -- about 75 per cent of whom have been taught at home rather than in schools -- are required to sign a statement of faith before they arrive, confirming (among other things) that they have a literal belief in the teachings of the Bible. At Patrick Henry, students must obey a curfew. They must wear their hair neatly and dress "modestly".

Students must also obey a rule stating that if they wish to hold hands with a member of the opposite sex, they must do so while walking: standing while holding hands is not permitted. And at Patrick Henry, students must sign an honour pledge that bans them from drinking alcohol unless under parental supervision.

Yet these things alone do not make the college special. There are, after all, a number of Christian establishments across the United States that enforce such a strict fundamentalist code for their students.

No, what makes Patrick Henry unique is the increasingly close -- critics say alarmingly close -- links this recently established, right-wing Christian college has with the Bush administration and the Republican establishment as a whole. This spring, of the almost 100 interns working in the White House, seven are from Patrick Henry. Another intern works for the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign, while another works for President George Bush's senior political adviser, Karl Rove. Yet another works for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad. Over the past four years, 22 conservative members of Congress have employed one or more Patrick Henry interns. Janet Ashcroft, the wife of Bush's Bible-thumping Attorney General, is one of the college's trustees.

And this is no coincidence. Rather, it is the very point. Students at Patrick Henry are on a mission to change the world: indeed, to lead the world. When, after four years or so of study, they leave their neatly-kept campus with its close-mown lawns, they do so with a drive and commitment to reshape their new environments according to the fundamentalist, right-wing vision of their college.

[Emphasis mine. -v]

PLEASE read on!

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Patrick Henry College

Board of Trustees (Must See!)

Statement of Biblical Worldview

"God has ordained three primary social institutions to order human affairs: the family, the church, and civil government. Each of these institutions honors God when it operates under the principles of His word within its God-given scope of authority:

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Civil Government. God himself has ordained government and commands that everyone must submit to government; moreover, there is no authority except that which God has established. (Romans 13: 1-5) Consequently, he who rebels against lawful authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment upon themselves. It is necessary to submit to government, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. We are to pray for all who hold public office, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (Proverbs 14: 34-35; I Timothy 2: 1-2)

Some governments are not legitimate; some authorities are not lawful. (Hosea 8:1-4) These are governments that do not recognize or that choose to ignore that human beings are created in God's image and therefore are entitled to the enjoyment of certain rights and responsibilities that inhere in their nature. Such societies and such governments are under God's judgment. (Jeremiah 18: 7-10) Nevertheless, there is a proper way to rectify this situation.

[The founding fathers specifically determined that religion would NOT interfere in government! Just WHOM shall determine the legitimacy or lawfulness of a government? From where I sit, our current government is neither legitimate nor lawful. -v]

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Institutional Mission, Vision, and Distinctives

Adopted by the Board of Trustees September 28, 2002 [Emphasis mine. -v]

The Mission of Patrick Henry College is to train Christian men and women who will lead our nation and shape our culture with timeless biblical values and fidelity to the spirit of the American founding. In order to accomplish this mission, the College provides academically excellent higher education with a biblical worldview using classical liberal arts core curriculum and apprenticeship methodology.

The Vision of Patrick Henry College is to aid in the transformation of American society by training Christian students to serve God and mankind with a passion for righteousness, justice and mercy, through careers of public service and cultural influence.

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The Mission of the Department of Government is to promote practical application of biblical principles and the original intent of the founding documents of the American republic, while preparing students for lives of public service, advocacy and citizen leadership.

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"Intelligence" Takes On New Meaning at PHC

Students studying in the newest program at Patrick Henry College do not usually wear trench coats and dark glasses. You will not see them cruising around campus in bullet-proof, rocket-equipped sports cars. And they do not drink martinis, shaken, stirred, or otherwise. But students enrolled in PHC's new strategic intelligence studies track are learning all about what it takes to join the nation's first line of defense—the men and women of the American intelligence community. [Emphasis mine. -v]

The Strategic Intelligence Program (SIP) at PHC is no simple "spy major." It is a serious, academically rigorous curriculum encompassing a range of intellectual and practical skills. Students in the program study intelligence-related fields including intelligence analysis, investigative techniques, open source data exploitation, counter-intelligence, counter-terrorism, and information dissemination. Since its inception in the fall of 2003, the SIP track (one of three possible concentrations within the existing Government major) has attracted some of the best students at PHC, a school which already draws some of the finest young students in the country. And interest among prospective applicants seems high indeed. "We are already seeing a substantial pool of applicants to this program," said SIP Director and Government Department Chairman Robert Stacey. "High school students in the home school movement and in the Christian community tend to be patriotic young men and women of high moral character and clean backgrounds. These are just the sort of people we want to train and disperse out into the intelligence community."

[Yes, this is just what all mommies and daddies see for their darling little girls and boys as they raise them up with kisses and tears. Bye-bye, my little CIA agent! There goes my little killer of evildoers! I'm so proud! I'm so happy we had no art or music training to detract from marksmanship and infiltration strategy training. She's so brilliant with high-powered rifles. He's so good at fooling innocent dissidents! We're such good patriotic parents! -v]

The stated goal of SIP is to prepare graduates for meaningful careers in the intelligence community (Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, etc.), domestic counter-terrorism and law enforcement (Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigations, etc.), and diplomacy (Foreign Service, State Department, etc.). These graduates will eventually work their way into positions to positively influence and shape this increasingly important part of our culture. Since the widespread proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the tragedy of 9/11, the need for more and better information about our would-be enemies is greater than ever. "There are evil people in this world who would like nothing better than to see Americans killed and the American way of life destroyed," added Eliot Jardines, Assistant Director of SIP at Patrick Henry. "The preservation of our liberty requires constant vigilance. Who is going to do it? Who better than these young men and women of integrity and honor?" [Emphasis mine. -v]

Strategic Intelligence Program at Patrick Henry College


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