Sunday, April 25, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac | Editorial and Cartoons: Bush's Doom

From Lisa:

Iraq Could Doom Bush
by Dick Morris
former adviser to President Clinton and (sadly?) current Faux News commentator
with related cartoons by some of the world's finest editorial cartoonists

Read the editorial with a jaundiced eye... it SO sounds like it was written by a Repug! Take special note of the comment on page 2:
"To make sure he remains out of power, we must keep a large garrison, safely ensconced at a secure base, in Iraq once we hand over power to the Iraqi Governing Council."
Swell... another overseas military base. Are they sure this was written by a Clintonista?!

NOTE: If you click "GO TO PAGE TWO" after the text of the editorial, you'll miss the entire first page of toons. You'll have another opportunity to move on after you've perused the toons. The toons are the best part of the deal anyhow!


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