Thursday, April 15, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac | New York Boy Scout Seeks To Enlighten 1,000,000 Of His Fellow Citizens

From Lisa:

We NEED more Eagle Scouts like this one!

Most Americans are sadly uninformed (because that's the way the system wants it) of their rights as jurors. Having been nailed with jury duty 3 times already, I know how much jurors hear about "responsibilities"... but nobody is in a hurry to tell you that you also have rights.

Enter Alexander Navarro, a New York Boy Scout who is working toward his Eagle Scout rank. He has set up a web site, Jurors Rule, to help educate his fellow citizens about the rights of jurors.

My only complaint about the site is that he focuses on his "questionnaire" — which, oddly, does not submit. You must go back to the top and click the "answers" link to get the list of correct answers... which has no record of how you answered. But the list is pretty short, so most folks will be able to handle checking their own responses. (Frankly, if they can't, I don't want them sitting on a jury!)

Jury duty will catch up with you eventually; visit Alexander's site now and be educated when your number is called. Or, if you have already served, read it and weep! You will likely be incensed that you were systematically lied to.

Most of the hard info lies at the sites he lists on his "links" page; but he certainly deserves credit for noticing this situation, and for choosing such a political hot potato for his Eagle project! Visit Jurors Rule and help Alexander reach his 1M goal.


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