Monday, April 12, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac | The Daily Outrage by Matt Bivens

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Welcome to "The Daily Outrage," your last best hope to keep up with the blizzard of Bush-era bad news. Whether they're cutting down your forests, raiding your retirement funds, reading your email or shrinking your constitutional rights, the Republican (sometimes it's bipartisan) assault advances by the hour. The outrages come so fast that it's hard for even well-read citizens to stay abreast. So this column will provide you with a regular update on their doings. Pass it on.

Nero Fiddles

A "war-time president" wouldn't skip town just as the combat situation soured.

Which must by why George W. Bush has skipped town.

Yes, he's taken another unearned vacation down in Texas, where he's been showing off his expansive ranch to representatives of the National Rifle Association and other "sporting aficionados and conservation groups."

Now, why true sportsmen would have any interest in the anti-Teddy Roosevelt -- the President who's weakened protections on as much land as Roosevelt set aside, and whose shootin'-fish-in-a-barrel sidekick is Dick Cheney -- is beyond me.

But it's good to know that George W. Bush has found time for a 500th vacation day, even as the ever-rising American death toll in Iraq reaches 628. (For all of you shrill semantic hair-splitters out there who divide war zone sacrifices into those that count and those that don't, the toll of Americans killed in full-on combat action stands, at this writing, at 455. It's no doubt rising even as I type this.)

And yet Bring 'Em On Bush is taking it manfully in stride. As The Washington Post reports, "This is Bush's 33rd visit to his ranch since becoming president. He has spent all or part of 233 days on his Texas ranch since taking office ... Adding his 78 visits to Camp David and his five visits to Kennebunkport, Maine, Bush has spent all or part of 500 days in office at one of his three retreats, or more than 40 percent of his presidency." [Emphasis added. -v]

That includes a month-long kick-back in August 2001 that was the longest presidential vacation in 32 years. [Emphasis added. -v]

Forty percent of his presidency! That's the equivalent of taking paid leave off from Jan. 1 to May 24. Must be nice. But it sure does cast a harsh new light on this Administration's anti-weekend drive to scale back overtime pay.


[Hey! If Dubya is such a big cowboy, how come we've never seen him on a HORSE?! We've seen him fall off a Segway, but you'd think on horseback would be a great photo-op. Just as I thought! All hat, no cattle and skeered o'horses. -v]


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