Monday, April 12, 2004

Pinocchio Watch
*Ø* Blogmanac | Govt asked me to lie on Iraq WMDs

Sacked Aussie defence adviser claims

"A senior Defence Department adviser says she lost her job because she refused to write a briefing paper, which she says would have lied about the threat posed by Iraq's weapons programs.

"Jane Errey was a senior adviser with the Defence Science and Technology Organisation until she was sacked last week ...

"Ms Errey says the Defence Department asked her to write a briefing paper claiming Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, but that was not backed up by intelligence material she had seen.

"'I believe I was being asked, as was the rest of the department at that time, to perpetuate the lie that the Government was putting forward in so far as the weapons of mass destruction existed and that they were a grave threat to the rest of the world,' Ms Errey said ..."
Source: ABC


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