Friday, March 12, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac | League of Liberals' Bloggers' Round-Up

Caution: Some posts contain adult references to
certain members of the administration.


No doubt this was one of the proposed anti-Bush ads that Move-On decided not to accept for their contest, perhaps because it doesn't say anything about Hitler or Nazis. I'll only point out the philosophical flaw when this says Our Noble Leader has "the total combined intelligence of a wet sock and a mud brick". That is mixing apples and oranges, since it is no more possible to combine the minds of such different substances than it is to have a "marriage" between two people of the same gender. Don't try this at work, but if you want to see how juvenile liberals' sense of humor is, turn on your computer's sound and visit THIS SITE. There's another example of how silly leftists are, with absurd charges of racism in a Texas Republican primary, (no, really!!) in my March 2 posting. --Ayn Clouter.

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Bringing Up the Dead

It's sad to see how good Catholic girls like Jeanne D'Orleans, corrupted by liberalism, are promoting denunciations of Our Noble Leader like this one by Jimmy Breslin at "He molests the dead". There's more theology at my March 7 post, "Nobody Expects The Spanish Inquisition". --Ayn Clouter

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Your Majesty John Kerry?

According to Reuter's Kerry's blood might be bluer than Bush's... and that may mean winning the White House in November.

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Mainstream Media Equates Liberal with Traitor

Unfortunately Ann Coulter's not the only one making this ridiculous connection.

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BushWorld Too Unstable for Market Strength

EXCERPT from Anonymoses:

To fix the economy, we need to send a signal to the world, and to average Americans, that help is on the way. Real help this time. Not help in the form of a moribund economy. Not in the form of Shock and Awe and other environmental hazards. Not in the form of a secret Business Government whose goal is "Big Cookie", but whose means is raiding the cookie jar.

Democrats have proven that they can better be trusted with the common well, and the common wealth.

America can be a generator of healing. Healing ourselves and the world on many levels, none of which entail surgical strikes or Shock and Awe.

Help is on the way. If Bush were a good man, he would step out of the way.

Please. You cried when you left Crawford.

Be happy. Go home.

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Mad Kane Hires An Ombudsman

For years I've been flooded with emails challenging the accuracy of At first I did what most publications do -- I ignored them. But as time went by, I realized that something had to be done. So in keeping with recent trends and in the interest of sound journalism, I've appointed an ombudsman who'd like to be known only as "Bud." Here's part of Bud's first report:

  • The poem entitled Dubya's Poetic Injustice states that during George W. Bush's Election 2000 campaign, Bush promised to be a "compassionate conservative" and to have a "humble foreign policy." After this poem was published, we learned that Bush was "crossing his fingers" whenever he made those promises, so "they didn't really count." We regret this error.

  • According to a State of Disunion crossword puzzle clue, President Bush believes that raising twins is even harder than waging war. While Bush did in fact make that statement, he has since changed his mind and now acknowledges that waging war is "an itsy-bitsy bit harder than raising twins." We are sorry for failing to keep up to date on this issue.

  • In Dubya's Don't Blame Me Song the lyricist itemizes several things as not being George W. Bush's fault, including the jobless rate, 9/11, the mission accomplished banner, and the lack of WMD's. We have since learned that many more things weren't the President's fault and we regret our lack of comprehensiveness.

The rest of
Ombudsman Bud's first report is here.


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