Wednesday, February 18, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac February 18 | Spenta Armaiti, ancient Persia (Zoroastrianism)

“ … due reverence for the divine, verecundia, spoken of as daughter of Ormazd and regarded as having her abode upon the earth.” Wikipedia

Festival of women, dedicated to the earth and fertility goddess Spenta Armaiti (Spandarmat; Spandarmad) (picture), the fourth Amesha Spenta created.

Zoroastrianism recognizes various classes of spiritual beings besides the Supreme Being Ahura Mazda (literally: ‘the Wise Lord’ like the Sanskrit ‘Asura Medha’; later transcription: Ohrmazd, Ormazd or Ormus). These beings, or ‘Emanations’, include the Amesha Spentas (Amahraspands), ‘Bounteous Immortals’, each of which personifies an attribute of Ahura Mazda as well as a human virtue. In early Zoroastrianism they were spirits of light and may be considered divine aspects of Ahura Mazda. Later they attained status as independent deities.

These deities are:
“Vohu Manö, good sense, i.e. the good principle, the idea of the good, the principle that works in man inclining him to what is good;
Ashem, afterwards Ashem Vahishtem … the genius of truth and the embodiment of all that is true, good and right, upright law and rule – ideas practically identical for Zoroaster;
Khshathrem, afterwards Khshathrem Vairim (dwouia), the power and kingdom of Ormazd, which have subsisted from the first but not in integral completeness, the evil having crept in like tares among the wheat: the time is yet to come when it shall be fully manifested in all its unclouded majesty;
Armaiti, due reverence for the divine, verecundia, spoken of as daughter of Ormazd and regarded as having her abode upon the earth;
Haurvatat, perfection;
Ameretãt, immortality.

Other ministering angels are Geush Urvan ("the genius and defender of animals"), and Sraosha, the genius of obedience and faithful hearing.”
Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911

The word Spenta, difficult to translate, can be equated to ‘increasing’ or growing (connotation of goodness, holiness, and benevolence); ‘progressive.’ Armaiti is even harder to translate into English. Her name might be seen as meaning ‘divine wisdom’; ‘devotion’; ‘piety’; ‘benevolence’; ‘loving- kindness’; ‘right-mindedness’; ‘peace and love’; ‘tranquillity’; ‘progressive serenity’ (Zoroastrian anthropologist and linguist Dr Ali Akbar Jafarey’s suggestion); universal bountiful peace’, or even ‘service’ ...

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